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  • Writer's pictureCarolina Fernandes

Privacy Policy: What is it, what is it for, and why is it important?

Why is the confidentiality policy important?

To begin with, Privacy Policy is a document that informs the user about the data collected directly or indirectly during access to a website, application, or system. This document should also clarify the reason why this information is being stored.

The main relevance of this document is related to transparency and trust. Users need to know how their data will be used in order to consent or not to the collection. By providing transparent information, the credibility of the website or app's business is established.

In legal terms, it is an important tool to prevent disputes. A well-drafted and detailed document allows the user to choose whether or not to accept the policy, avoiding future problems.

With the introduction of the General Law of Data Protection (LGPD), it is even more crucial that all companies prepare and provide on their platforms, in a clear and accessible way, their Confidentiality Policy containing which data and information of users are collected, how personal data are treated, what is the purpose of the collection, whether there is the possibility of not performing the collection and what are the consequences, among other information that will be explained in detail.

The confidentiality policy is, therefore, a legal document relevant to the transparency of the business, demonstrating professionalism and reliability to users. Therefore, the entrepreneur should not be careless when drafting its terms, relying on legal assistance and avoiding ready-made templates to adapt them to real needs. In this way, it is possible to put together a good confidentiality policy.

What is needed to build a good confidentiality policy?

A confidentiality policy is a legal term, but it should convey information to the user in a clear and simple way. Therefore, the first step in putting together a good policy is clarity. The clauses should be written in a way that is accessible to users unfamiliar with the field of law. Otherwise, the reader may look for a similar business with a clearer policy.

The second step is to make the policy visible. Easy access keeps the user on the website or app. The data, in many cases, can be requested on home pages. To that end, the link to the policy can be near the fill-in fields. For this reason, tools like Google Adwords require good visibility of the privacy policy.

Besides visibility, it is necessary to highlight how the data will be used. It is a transparent practice that passes the feeling of honesty. To do so, list it:

  • Pages and situations where data about the visitor will be requested;

  • Information to be collected;

  • Sharing information with third parties;

  • Laws that guarantee the legality of your confidentiality policy;

  • The possibility of regularly updating the policy and how to inform this practice.

What is the role of the lawyer in drafting a Privacy Policy?

Finally, the presence of a lawyer is essential to draft a good confidentiality policy.

What is the lawyer's role in the confidentiality policy?

The lawyer is responsible for adapting the provisions of the confidentiality policy to the entrepreneur's needs. His role is also to minimize the possibility of lawsuits due to flaws in the document and data leaks.

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